Friday, June 14, 2013

Another Movie

Well, I just got home from seeing another AWESOME movie. Man of Steel. It is VERY much worth going to see it. Much better than I thought it was going to be. 


  1. I haven't seen this movie yet but I am more than sure I will as my husband is a huge comic book/super hero fan lol

    Zefaniya (follow me #12)

  2. My boys are obsessed with Superman! My oldest went to see it the night before it was released for a special preview.

    Follow Me 12

  3. It looks as though I'll be going to see this with my husband this weekend so I'm glad to hear it's worth seeing! I was a bit disappointed with the last Superman movie that came out...Superman Returns? I think that was the name of it. lol You can tell how memorable it was.

    Aurelas (Follow Me #12)
